Fine-Tuning, Anthropics and the String Landscape

In the last two decades there has been mounting evidence for a huge number of string vacua: the string landscape. This fact may provide a solution to the cosmological constant fine-tuning problem when combined with cosmological inflation and anthropic ideas. Moreover, LHC data suggest that another fine-tuning in fundamental physics may be showing itself. Indeed, the LHC has shown up to now no trace of supersymmetry nor any other new physics which could provide an explanation for the fine-tuned Higgs mass.
The aim of this workshop (to be held at IFT-Madrid on 8-10 October 2014) is to bring together a number of world experts who can provide their views and results in addressing the issue of fine-tuning in particle physics, string theory and cosmology, and in particular the role of anthropic considerations in this context. Speakers are by invitation only and there is no registration fee.
Tom Banks (Santa Cruz & Rutgers) | Matthew Kleban (New York U.) |
Iosif Bena (CEA Saclay) | Liam McAllister (Cornell U.) |
José Juan Blanco Pillado (U. País Vasco) | Ulf Meissner (Bonn U.) |
Raphael Bousso (U. Berkeley) | Lisa Randall (Harvard U.) |
Adam Brown (Stanford U.) | Joshua Ruderman (New York U.) |
Ulf Danielsson (Uppsala U.) | Sav Sethi (U. Chicago) |
Frederik Denef (Columbia U.) | Alexander Vilenkin (Tufts U.) |
John Donoghue (U. Massachussetts) | Bert Vercnocke (Amsterdam U.) |
Ben Freivogel (U. Amsterdam) | Taizan Watari (Kavli IPMU) |
Alan Guth (MIT) | Alexander Westphal (DESY) |
Craig Hogan (U. Chicago & Fermilab) |
Jaume Garriga, Luis Ibánez, Fernando Marchesano, Bert Schellekens, Angel Uranga
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