Workshops Management

Iberian Strings 2016

The 16-iStrings workshop is a yearly meeting of various groups working on string-related topics on the iberian peninsula. The aim is to exchange ideas, foster collaboration and plan for future activities in an atmosphere of informal physics discussion.

21st IFT Xmas Workshop

21st edition of our annual Xmas workshop with 1/2 of the answers to the ulimate question on Life, the Universe and Everything! The workshop will be held at the Instituto de Física Teórica (IFT) in the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM), on December 09-11, 2015.

IBS-MultiDark Joint Workshop on Dark Matter and 13th MultiDark Consolider Workshop

The workshop is oriented towards dark matter physics and will cover a wide range of subjects. The aim is to promote the collaboration and exchange of ideas. The list of invited speakers includes theoretical as well as experimental physicists. On 27-28 November 2015, the MultiDark Consolider Workshop will take place.
IFT, Madrid, 23-28 November 2015

IV Postgradute Meeting on Theoretical Physics

The IV Postgraduate Meeting On Theoretical Physics will take place at IFT UAM/CSIC (Madrid) from the 18th to the 20th of November 2015 .

Ciclo de conferencias "Los límites de la Física Fundamental"

Los nuevos descubrimientos en Física Fundamental en los últimos años nos han situado en una nueva frontera en el conocimiento de lo infinitamente pequeño como de lo infinitamente grande. Con el rearranque del LHC, y con nuevos experimentos cosmológicos, los próximos años prometen expandir aún más los límites de la Física Fundamental.

DES Madrid 2015

This is the biannual meeting of the Dark Energy Survey Collaboration, held at the Institute of Theoretical Physics (IFT) in the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (UAM), from October 5th to 9th 2015.
DES Collaboration Meeting Madrid 2015
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