SUPRISE 2025: Supernovae Probes of Invisible Sectors

The high temperatures and densities reached in supernova cores constitute an ideal environment to produce and test exotic particles associated to new invisible sectors, such as axions, dark matter, or heavy neutral leptons.
Supernovae Probes of Invisible Sectors

International Masterclass - Hands on Particle Physics 2025
Cuarenta estudiantes de Bachillerato pasarán el día en el IFT para realizar una práctica de análisis de datos reales tomados en el experimento ATLAS del acelerador LHC del CERN. ¡Encuentra tú también el bosón de Higgs!

30th IFT Xmas Workshop

From December 12 to December 14th, 2024 we will celebrate the XXIX edition of our annual Christmas Workshop at the Instituto de Física Teórica (IFT UAM-CSIC). Several world experts will meet at the IFT to discuss the recent developments in (astro) particle physics, cosmology, string theory, and quantum information.

I Jornadas sobre Arte Sonoro "Rebecca Collins"
Primeras jornadas sobre arte sonoro en homenaje a nuestra compañera Rebecca Collins (1982-2024) tituladas Escuchar/Pensar/Sentir. Actividad organizada entre el Instituto de Historia y el Instituto de Física Teórica del CSIC.

AI goes MAD²

The website for the Machine Learning and AI 2024 workshop at the IFT in Madrid.
AI goes MAD 2024

Euclid Theory Working Group meeting in Madrid
From October 1st to October 2nd, 2024 we will celebrate the Euclid Theory Working Group (TWG) meeting in Madrid. Several members of the TWG will meet at the IFT to discuss the recent developments related to the forthcoming Euclid data.
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© 2012-2013 Institute for Theoretical Physics UAM - CSIC
© 2012-2013 Institute for Theoretical Physics UAM - CSIC