Workshops Management

19th MultiDark Consolider Workshop

MultiDark is a Consolider Network supported by the Spanish Research Agency, in which theoretical and experimental groups with particle physicists, astrophysicists and cosmologists from 18 Spanish universities and research institutes, experts in astroparticle physics, join efforts to take up this task from a multidisciplinary perspective.

Extended Workshop NuTs (Neutrino Theories) 2022

The Extended Workshop NuTs (Neutrino Theories) 2022 will be hosted by the Institute for Theoretical Physics (IFT) in Madrid, on 16 May - 17 June 2022.
From the Cosmos to the LHC

Prime Matters

From the Riemann hypothesis to entanglement, from superconductors to supergravity, Germán Sierra has inspired a generation of researchers with his particular style of doing Physics and Mathematics which encourages depth and insight. On occasion of his 67th birthday (which is a lucky prime) we will gather at IFT to celebrate with him.
Celebration of the joy of Physics and Mathematics on occasion of Germán Sierra's 67th birthday

International Masterclass - Hands on Particle Physics 2022

Cuarenta estudiantes de Bachillerato pasarán el día en el IFT para realizar una práctica de análisis de datos reales tomados en el experimento ATLAS del acelerador LHC del CERN. ¡Encuentra tú también el bosón de Higgs!


The purpose of this workshop is to gather a small group of researchers to discuss what Holography can do to better understand chiral transport phenomena in heavy ion collisions. Particular focus shall be put on the recent results from the RHIC isobar run.
14.-17. March 2022

Geometric Aspects of the Swampland

This workshop will focus on geometric aspects of the Swampland Program, with a special emphasis on the interelation between general properties of quantum gravity and algebraic geometry. The workshop aims to bring together theoretical physicists and geometers, in order to explore the many connections between fields which have recently emerged in the
Workshop on geometric aspects of the Swampland Program.
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