IBS-MultiDark Joint Workshop on Dark Matter and 13th MultiDark Consolider Workshop

The IBS-MultiDark Joint Workshop on Dark Matter is the second event where MultiDark and IBS are sharing strenghts on the quest on the identification of the Dark Matter. The previous event, IBS-MultDark Joint Focus Program: WIMPs and Axions, was in 2014 at the IBS-CTPU, Daejeon, Korea.
The workshop is oriented towards dark matter physics and will cover a wide range of subjects. The aim is to promote the collaboration and exchange of ideas. The list of invited speakers includes theoretical as well as experimental physicists.
The 13th MultiDark Consolider Workshop will take place simultaneously but focusing more on 27-28 November 2015.
The Institute for Basic Science (IBS), http://www.ibs.re.kr/, comprises 20 centres, including three researching on particle physics and cosmology:
Center for Theoretical Physics of the Universe (CTPU), http://ctpu.ibs.re.kr/, Center for Axion and Precision Physics research (CAPP), http://capp.ibs.re.kr/,Center for Underground Physics (CUP), http://cupweb.ibs.re.kr/
MultiDark (Multimessenger Approach for Dark Matter Detection), http://www.multidark.es, is the Spanish project for dark matter searches,
The Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology (IPPP), http://www.ippp.dur.ac.uk, is a joint venture of Durham University and the UK STFC.
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