
SUPRISE 2025: Supernovae Probes of Invisible Sectors


The high temperatures and densities reached in supernova cores constitute an ideal environment to produce and test exotic particles such as axions, axion-like particles, heavy neutral leptons, dark photons, gauge bosons, Majorons, sterile neutrinos and other light dark matter candidates. Besides, these objects are also crucial to test neutrino self-interactions, which cannot be probed otherwise in terrestrial experiments. 
The potential signatures from this invisible sectors include an increase in the photon or neutrino flux; effects on the cosmic ray spectrum; the shortening of the neutrino burst duration due to an excessive cooling; the enhancement of the explosion energy released by Type II supernovae; modifications of the neutrino flavour composition; and changes in the standard explosion mechanism which must be carefully explored in self-consistent simulations.
This workshop, which will be held at the Institute of Theoretical Physics (IFT UAM/CSIC) in Madrid from the 11th to the 14th of March 2025, will explore this window to new physics from a wide perspective.

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