The Institute of Theoretical Physics

Quantum Gravity of Open Systems


This workshop forms part of the activities within the Korea-Spain academic exchange program "Quantum Gravity of Open Systems"

Dates: 5.-6. February  2025

Black holes and cosmology pose fundamental challenges to our understanding of physics, especially space-time physics. A clear way to explore black holes and the expanding universe is the correlation between quantum fields that exist outside their horizons. These fields dissipate at the horizon and are thermally excited by Hawking radiation, which causes many paradoxes and technical difficulties. The existing unitary quantum mechanics cannot fully explain the quantum field dissipation and thermal excitation that occurs outside black holes and near the cosmological horizon. A new paradigm that has recently emerged proposes a quantum gravity theory in an open system called non-unitary quantum gravity theory to solve these problems, which can revolutionize the conceptual and technical understanding of black hole and cosmological horizon physics. Therefore, the study of quantum gravity theory in an open system will expand the understanding of quantum gravity in extreme conditions such as black holes and cosmology, and ultimately provide new insights into the nature of space-time.






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