Physics and Geometry of F-theory

The workshop series Physics and Geometry of F-Theory brings together international experts in mathematics and physics, aiming to deepen our understanding of string and field theories through the framework of F-theory. F-theory is a non-perturbative realization of string theory that is written in the language of algebraic geometry.
This edition of the conference will take place at IFT-Madrid from 5 to 8 March 2018, and will be the 5th conference in this series. It will be an opportunity for an inspiring exchange of ideas from pure mathematics and theoretical physics, and intends to stimulate interactions between both disciplines. Topics of this conference include: Compactifications to various dimensions and their low energy physics (formal and phenomenological aspects), Superconformal Field Theories, T-branes, advances in the description of elliptic fibrations, novel scans of the String Landscape.
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© 2012-2013 Institute for Theoretical Physics UAM - CSIC