ATLAS and CMS collaborations have recently meassured the mass of the Higgs boson to be approximately 126 GeV. We are organizing a very particular workshop on 25-27 September 2013 at Instituto de Física Teórica UAM/CSIC, Madrid, joining together a number of world experts who can provide their views and results in addressing the question 'Why m_H = 126 GeV?'. A poster of the event can be downloaded at the following link. There is no registration fee. To attend the workshop, please register before 1 September 2013.


- Ben Allanach (Cambridge U.)
- Ignatios Antoniadis (CERN)
- Genevieve Belanger (Annecy LAPTH)
- Michael Dine (UC Santa Cruz)
- Michael R. Douglas (Stony Brook & IHES)
- Emilian Dudas (Ecole Polytechnique & Orsay)
- Gia Dvali (Munich & CERN & New York U.)
- Ulrich Ellwanger (Orsay)
- Jose Ramón Espinosa (ICREA & IFAE)
- Adam Falkowski (Orsay)
- Christophe Grojean (ICREA & IFAE)

- Arthur Hebecker (Heidelberg U.)
- Joseph Lykken (Fermilab)
- Chiara Mariotti (CMS & Torino)
- Hans-Peter Nilles (U. Bonn)
- Yasunori Nomura (Berkeley)
- Michele Redi (Florence & CERN)
- Graham Ross (Oxford U.)
- Mikhail Shaposhnikov (ITPP Lausanne)
- Alessandro Strumia (Pisa & NICPB Tallinn)
- Giovanni Villadoro (ICTP)
- Neal Weiner (New York U.)


- Pablo G. Cámara (Universidad de Barcelona)
- David G. Cerdeño (IFT UAM/CSIC)
- Luis E. Ibáñez (IFT UAM/CSIC)


- Roxanna Rodríguez 

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