
To trigger the discussion session on Thursday we have set a short on-line survey for the participants of the workshop with some questions related to the Higgs and the LHC. This is a summary of the results.

1) Concerning the hierarchy problem, which of these options is in your opinion closer to the truth:

a) Low energy SUSY solves the hierarchy problem.

b) There is no hierarchy problem, it is a misinterpretation of how field theory works.

c) The hierarchy may be understood in the context of anthropic arguments, perhaps in connection with the existence of a landscape of string vacua.

d) There is new physics above the TeV scale (e.g. compositeness, Randal-Sundrum, some technicolor version).

e) There is a low scale string theory above a few TeV.

f) Other (specify briefly)

- "Other" includes the following comments:

"Fine tuning in the (string theory) landscape. But whether the "anthropic" arguments can be made and whether and how the measure problem can be resolved remains unclear at present."

"New perturbative physics above the TeV scale (susy or something else)"

"The solution of hierarchy problem should be searched for at the Planck scale"

"I think low energy susy gets us down to the 10-100 TeV scale and solves the hierarchy problem in that sense, and then anthropic and cosmological arguments tune it to the observed scale."

"In Nature no energies exist beyond a few hundreds Tev or so. So, this is a natural cut-off and it does not make any sense to consider higher energies in loops. Therefore the Planck scale or any other scales beyond the natural cut-off only exists in the imagination of us physicists."

2) Will the LHC and/or ILC eventually detect non-standard properties of the Higgs boson?

a) Yes.

b) No.

3) Will the LHC eventually find new physics other than the Higgs boson?

a) Yes.

b) No.

4) Will dark matter (either WIMP, axions or other) be detected in the next decade?

a) Yes.

b) No.

5) Will we eventually measure non-Gaussianities or tensor modes or other cosmological new effects?

a) Yes.

b) No.

6) Do you think that String Theory will eventually be the ultimate unified theory?

a) Yes.

b) No.

c) No, but it is a step in the right direction.