Forward Physics and Diffraction

Tuesday 21
11:00 Registration and Coffee
11:30 Agustín Sabio Vera [Universidad Autónoma de Madrid ]
11:35 Christophe Royon [Acad. of Sciences of the Czech Rep.]
Introduction to the workshop
11:50 Alice Valkarova [Charles University]
Diffraction at HERA
12:30 Konstantin Goulianos [Rockefeller University]
RENORM Diffractive Predictions Extended to Higher LHC and Future
Accelerator Energies
13:00 Lunch
15:00 Marta Luszczak [University of Rzeszow]
Diffractive production of open charm and bottom mesons at the LHC
15:30 Roman Pasechnik [Affiliation]
Forward central correlations in quarkonia production
16:00 Coffee
16:30 Ksenia Shchelina [M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University]
Summary of the inclusive diffraction chapter
17:10 Discussion on pomeron structure, medium lumi program
18:00 Reception at the IFT
Wednesday 22
10:00 Tim Martin [University of Warwick]
Summary of the Soft Diffraction and Total cross section chapter
10:40 Jacques Francis Soffer [Temple University]
Impact picture for near-forward elastic scattering up to LHC energies
11:10 Coffee
11:40 Per Grafstrom [Universita e INFN, Bologna]
Total cross section measurements
12:20 Uri Maor [Tel Aviv University]
Diffraction As A Saturation Signature
13:00 Lucian Harland-Lang [University College London]
Superchic 2: a new Monte Carlo for central exclusive production
13:30 Lunch
15:20 Annabelle Julia Chuinard [McGill University]
Testing Pomeron flavour symmetry with diffractive W charge asymmetry
15:50 Joachim Baechler [CERN]
Summary of the detector chapter
16:30 Coffee
17:00 Akiba Kazuyoshi [Affiliation]
Herschel, the forward shower counters at LHCb
17:30 Valentina Avati [AGH University of Science and Technology]
Background and running plans
18:00 Discussion on low lumi program, total cross section…
20:30 Dinner in Restaurant ``El 18"
(30 euros,
Thursday 23
10:00 José Daniel Madrigal [Saclay]
Resumming Double Logarithms in the Balitsky-Kovchegov Equation
10:30 Dimitri Colferai [Firenze]
Forward jets at LHC: matching BFKL with NLO
11:00 Coffee
11:30 Bertrand Ducloue [Affiliation]
High-energy resummation effects in Mueller-Navelet jets production at the LHC
12:00 Krzysztof Kutak [Instytut Fizyki Jadrowej Polskiej Akademii Nauk]
Hard scale dependent gluon density, saturation and forward-forward dijet
production at LHC
12:30 Grigorios Chachamis [IFT UAM/CSIC, Madrid]
13:00 Lunch
15:00 Lucian Harland-Lang [University College London]
Summary of the exclusive diffraction chapter
15:40 Christophe Royon [Acad. of Sciences of the Czech Rep.]
Anomalous coupling studies
16:10 Coffee
16:40 Marta Luszczak [University of Rzeszow]
WW cross section contributions
17:10 Discussion on exclusive processes, high lumi program
20:30 Dinner in Restaurant ``Las armonias de palacio"
(25 euros,
Friday 24
10:00 Jochen Bartels [Hamburg University]
Summary of the BFKL and saturation chapter
10:40 Takashi Sako [Nagoya University]
LHCf: Results and plan for Run II
11:10 Coffee
11:30 Tanguy Pierog [KIT]
Summary of the cosmic ray, multiplicity and particle specter chapter
12:10 Leszek Motyka [Affiliation]
Twist analysis of the forward Drell-Yan process
12:40 Beatrice Murdaca [Affiliation]
BFKL vs DGLAP in Mueller-Navelet jets at LHC
13:10 Lunch
15:00 Daniel Johnson [CERN]
Exclusive production at LHCb: recent results and prospects for Run-II
15:30 Ronan Mcnulty [University College Dublin]
Status of CEP and plans for run II
16:00 Coffee
16:30 Javier L Albacete [Universidad de Granada]
17:00 Discussion: yellow report, follow up of LHC Forward Physics WG
17:40 End of Workshop
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