21st IFT Xmas Workshop

Day 1: Wednesday, 09 December 2015 |
Schedule | Speaker | Title | Slides | |
10:30 - 11:30 | Ulrik Egede |
Cracks in the wall? |
11:30 - 12:00 |
Coffee Break |
12:00 - 13:00 | Jérôme Charles |
The quark flavor sector: from the Standard Model to New Physics |
13:00 - 15:00 | Lunch | |||
15:00 - 16:00 | Eligio Lisi |
Neutrinos have mass: A tribute to the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physics |
16:00 - 17:00 | Daniel Litim |
Quantum field theory beyond asymptotic freedom |
17:00 - 17:30 | Coffee Break | |||
17:30 - 18:30 | Ignacy Sawicki |
Dark Energy: Evidence and Future Prospects |
Day 2: Thursday, 10 December 2015 |
Schedule | Speaker | Title | Slides | ||
10:30 - 11:30 |
Martin Lüscher |
From instantons to the Yang-Mills gradient flow: non-perturbative QCD |
11:30 - 12:00 |
Coffee Break |
12:00 - 13:00 | Amos Yarom |
Entanglement and anomalies |
13:00 - 15:00 |
Lunch |
15:00 - 16:00 | Jürgen Reuter |
The World Machine: Jets, Higgs, and Beyond (or: a strong machine for weak interactions) |
16:00 - 16:30 |
Coffee Break |
16:30 - 17:30 | Ana Teixeira |
Lepton Flavour Violation: a brief overview |
Day 3: Friday, 11 December 2015 |
Schedule | Speaker | Title | Slides | |
10:30 - 11:30 |
Nora Brambilla |
Effective field theories for quarkonium at zero and finite temperature |
11:30 - 12:00 |
Coffee Break |
12:00 - 13:00 | David G. Cerdeño |
On taxonomy, taxidermy and dark matter |
Nora Brambilla: "Effective field theories for quarkonium at zero and finite temperature"
Abstract: Heavy quarkonium is special system to study strong interactions. Being a multiscale system is probing different energy regimes of the strong interactions, from the hard region, where an expansion in the coupling constant is possible and precision studies may be done, to the low-energy region, dominated by confinement and the many manifestations of nonperturbative dynamics. In addition the properties of production and absorption of quarkonium in a nuclear medium are crucial inputs for the study of QCD at high density and temperature, reaching out to cosmology.
Effective field theories (EFTs) are the modern tools to address research at the frontier of strong interactions. They are based on scale factorization and formulated to be valid only in some limit. Problems become simpler because essential physics has been isolated, and it is possible to systematically parameterize those quantities that cannot be calculated.
In my talk I will introduce the nonrelativistic effective field theory description for heavy quarkonium at zero and finite temperature and discuss its implication on our control of strong interactions in the Standard Model of Particle Physics and the relation to other tools for strongly coupled theories.
Jérôme Charles: "The quark flavor sector: from the Standard Model to New Physics"
Abstract: I present the current status of the Cabbibo-Kobayaski-Maskawa matrix that describes flavor transitions and CP violation in the quark sector. I review the main ingredients of the global analysis, with an emphasis on the recent experimental results and their theoretical interpretation. I discuss the consistency of the picture emerging from this global analysis, as well as the possibility of New Physics in neutral meson mixing, in rare B-decays, and the future highlights.
Ulrik Egede: "Cracks in the wall?"
Abstract: The number of results in the flavour sector showing up as being incompatible with the Standard Model predictions at the 2 to 4 sigma level has grown in the past few years. Is this a sign of New Physics appearing or can they all be explained through a better understanding of experimental and theoretical uncertainties? I will review a number of the most interesting discrepancies, discuss their possible implications and outline ideas for further measurements that can be made.
Eligio Lisi: "Neutrinos have mass: A tribute to the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physics"
Abstract: In the last two decades, neutrino oscillation searches have shown that neutrinos have mass and mix with each other. The field is now moving from the pioneering era (celebrated in this year's Nobel prize) to the precision era and beyond. In this context, we shall review the phenomenological status of known and unknown mass-mixing parameters, as well as the unprecedented challenges and opportunities that will characterize future investigations... and that might lead to more Nobel prizes!
Daniel Litim: "Quantum field theory beyond asymptotic freedom"
Abstract: The paradigm of asymptotic freedom plays a central role in the understanding of fundamental interactions. It has led to the successful construction of the Standard Model and continues to offer guidance for model building and phenomenology. In this talk, I raise the question whether four-dimensional quantum field theories involving gauge fields, fermions and scalars -and possibly gravity- can be fundamental and predictive to highest energies, even if asymptotic freedom is absent? Perhaps surprisingly, the answer is found to be Yes. I explain the whys and the hows including explicit examples and an exact proof of existence for such theories. We further highlight results for quantum gravity, and comment on possible implications for BSM physics.
Martin Lüscher: "From instantons to the Yang-Mills gradient flow: History & resolution of a conceptual puzzle in non-perturbative QCD"
Abstract: The famous Witten-Veneziano formula for the mass of the eta' meson links the fluctuations of the topological charge density in QCD to an experimentally accessible quantity. As it stands, the formula is however affected by short-distance singularities, whose subtraction leads to a non-perturbative ambiguity on the QCD side of the equation. The issue proved to be a persistent one, which could only be resolved after a series of important theoretical advances in lattice and continuum QCD were made. The most relevant of these are reviewed, focussing on the concepts rather than on any technical details.
Jürgen Reuter: "The World Machine: Jets, Higgs, and Beyond (or: a strong machine for weak interactions)"
Abstract: The discovery of the Higgs boson at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) was one of the greatest success stories in Particle Physics. I will try to unravel the tremendous amount of theoretical machinery based on quantum field theory to demonstrate the effort behind that discovery. Without delving into the technicalities the basic concepts of perturbative calculations, parton showers, hadronization are presented. An outlook to future discoveries at the LHC will also be given.
Ignacy Sawicki: "Dark Energy: Evidence and Future Prospects"
Abstract: I will review the ever-stronger observational evidence for the late-time acceleration of the expansion of the universe obtained from observations of the cosmic microwave background by the Planck satellite and the increasingly wide galaxy surveys. The data are grossly compatible with a cosmological constant, but increasingly there are hints that there are some anomalies. I will explain what is necessary to account for such anomalies and address how one might be able to explain them within the context of modifications of gravity.
Ana Teixeira: "Lepton Flavour Violation: a brief overview"
Abstract: If observed, charged lepton flavour violation (cLFV) is a clear sign of new physics. We briefly review the experimental status of cLFV searches, both at low- and high-energies, as well as the prospects for the upcoming years. We discuss extensions of the SM which could potentially give rise to cLFV signals, with a particular emphasis on low-energy seesaw mechanisms.
Amos Yarom: "Entanglement and anomalies"
Abstract: After reviewing the concept of entanglement in the context of quantum field theories I will show how certain features of entanglement entropy are fixed by anomalies. In particular, the role of gravitational anomalies and mixed gauge-gravitational anomalies will be discussed.
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