
LoRCA, CASE kick-off workshop, feb,17 - 19 2016, Granada, Spain


Venue to the workshop

Here how to arrive to CSIC IAA, Granada, Spain:
Meeting room : Salón de Actos

Scientific program

Given that we have a fair share of remote participant, please upload your slides to this google drive slides repository so that participants can follow your presentations.


Please connect to this google hangout link to participate remotely to the conference. This link will be updated 10 minutes before each session.


Wednesday, Feb 17


15h00 : welcome presentation from IAA/CSIC (Director)

15h05 : CAHA Observatory (David Galadí)

15h30 : CASE (F. Prada)

15h45 : CASE Instrument overview (G. Murray)

16h15 : CASE/LoRCA Survey (J. Comparat)

16h45 : coffee break

17h15 : CASE/M33-3D (E. Perez)

17h45 : 6dF peculiar velocity survey (J. Lucey, remotely)

18h15 : M33 with JAST/T80 (I. San Román, remotely)

18h30 : M33 with JAST/T80 (E. Perez Montero)

18h45 : discussion, keynotes

19h00 : end of the session


Thursday, Feb 18


09h30 : CASE/FOMBS (C. Allende-Prieto)

10h00 : TAIPAN (E. Taylor, C. Blake, M. Colless, partly remote)

11h00 : coffee break

11h30 : J-PLUS (M. Moles)

12h00 : The CALIFA - LoRCA synergy (R. González Delgado)

12h30 : keynotes, discussion

13h00 : lunch

15h00 : CASE focal plane & fiber positioning robot system (M. Dubbeldam & J. Sánchez)

15h30 : CASE spectrograph (J. Sánchez)

16h00 : CASE positioner concept (X. Arrillaga)

16h30: coffee break

17h00 : CASE robot manufacturing process (Hug Markus)

17h30 : CASE operation and logistics (F. Prada)

17h45 : discussion, keynotes

18h30 : end of session


Friday, Feb 19


09h00 : CASE: plans, budget, schedule and summary

10h00 - 13h00 (coffee at 11h): CASE science + technical paper writing session, discussions :

survey footprint, target selection

science justification, and instrument science requirements

instrument specifications, and concept

13h00 : bye bye


HOTEL suggestions :

This is a list of nearby hotels.
Two such normally suggested are: Hotel Saray, Hotel Maciá Monasterio De Los Basilios.

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