A list of conference topics is given below:
- Early Universe
- Gravitational Waves of Cosmological Origin
- Dark Energy and Modify Gravity
- Strong Gravity Regime
- Dark Matter
- CMB Observations
- Spectroscopical Surveys for Large-Scale Structure (Galaxy Clustering)
- Photometrical Surveys for Large-Scale Structure (Weak Lensing)
- Gravitational Waves Observations
- 21cm Surveys
- Cosmic and Gamma Rays and Dark Matter Detection
- Analytical Methods (Cosmological Correlators, etc)
- Statistical Methods
- Simulations
- Machine Learning Methods
- Numerical Relativity
- Tensions in Cosmology
In parallel to the scientific program, we have arranged a few cultural activities with the Madride Travel company.
Registration to these activities will open at the end of July and remain open until the 23rd of August under this link:
The timetable of the conference is shown below. The PDF version is here. All the plenary sessions take place in Yellow Room (Salon de Actos).
A map of the IFT indicating various rooms on the ground floor and in the basement is here.
The full program of the conference is shown below, subject to possible changes. You may download the image in order to zoom in or download the PDF version of the full program here. Parallel sessions take place in Yellow Room, Blue Room, Red Room and Orange Room (color-coded below).
All the parallel session speakers and their talks are listed here.
Live Stream of Plenary Sessions on YouTube:
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