The Institute of Theoretical Physics

Tutorial on Monte Carlo tools for colliders



Day Morning   (11:00 - 12:30) Afternoon   (15:00 - 16:30)
Mo. 7 Sep

Introduction to Monte Carlo techniques* [Talk]

(O. Mattelaer)

Introduction to FeynRules [Talk]

(online w/ B. Fuks)

Tu. 8 Sep

Introduction to MadGraph 5 [Talk]

(O. Mattelaer)

Tutorial MadGraph 5 [Talk]

(O. Mattelaer)

We. 9 Sep

Parton showers, underlying event, hadronization and decays

Introduction to Pythia 8 [Talk]

(N. Desai)

Tutorial Pythia 8

[Instructions] [LHE-samples] [PDG-particle-codes]

(N. Desai)

Th. 10 Sep

BSM searches at ATLAS & CMS

(K. Rolbiecki) [Talk]

Introduction to CheckMATE

(J.S. Kim) [Talk]

Tutorial CheckMATE [Tutorial]

(J.S. Kim & K. Rolbiecki)

* The morning session of O. Mattelaer on Monday 7 will last from 11:00 to 13:00.


The morning sessions are dedicated to the presentation of the underlying theory of the MC tools and a brief presentation of the software.

Exercises will be given in the afternoon sessions.



Every participant must bring his/her own laptop with a Linux/MacOS installation (IMPORTANT!).

In case of hardware or software problems, please contact the organizers.


Basic materials of the course:

FeynRules 2  (

MadGraph 5  (

Pythia 8 (

CheckMATE (


Additional materials:

Previous MadGraph courses:

We will make use of some of the materials presented in the Sixth MC4BSM Workshop (Cornell, 22-24 March 2012). 

The FeynRules model file and UFO file can be found at  

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