Physics Challenges in the face of LHC-14
Detailed Program -- PDF file
LIST of TALKS + pdf files
C. Anastasiou
High precision QCD for LHC physics
C. Arina
Sneutrino dark matter and its LHC phenomenology
D. Berge
Dark matter searches at the LHC
Won Sang Cho
Evolving Event Reconstruction via Probability Matching for the W boson Mass Measurement
E.J. Chun
Axino LSP and naturalness
L. Covi
LHC prospects for minimal decaying Dark Matter
N. Craig
Supersymmetric Optimism at LHC-13/14
P. De Jong
Experimental challenges in SUSY searches at LHC-13/14
A. De Roeck
Higgs Physics at the LHC
Experimental Review
A. Delgado
Generalized focus point in the MSSM
A. Djouadi
The MSSM Higgs sector after LHC8
A. Dobado
Strongly interacting WW and ZZ from Unitarized Electroweak Chiral Lagrangians
H. Dreiner
Dark Matter at the ILC: effective theories
C. Duhr
Higgs production in gluon fusion close to threshold
E. Etzion
Warmup for Searches at LHC-14
P. Fox
Dark Matter at the LHC, and elsewhere
D. Ghilencea
SUSY naturalness without prejudice
P. Ghosh
Searching evidences of new physics in the light of the μνSSM
H. Haber
Sept. 23:
Motivations for a stable scalar in an extended Higgs sector
Sept. 25:
Constraints on the alignment limit of the MSSM Higgs sector
V. Khoze
Higgs Portal interactions and BSM with Classical Scale Invariance
Jong Soo Kim
Checkmating your favourite BSM model
S. Malik
Status, prospects, and interpretation of dark matter searches at the LHC
Y. Mambri
What did we see (or not) in 2014?
V. Mitsou
Non-standard SUSY searches at the LHC
Y. Nakai
Natural Supersymmetry in Warped Space
P. Nason
Open Problems in High Precision Event Generators
J.M. No
The LHC Connection to EW Cosmology
T. Plehn
Top Taggers
S. Prestel
Unitarised fixed order + parton shower schemes
K. Rolbiecki
Towards explaining WW excess at the LHC
M. Quiros
SUSY Custodial Higgs Triplets & Breaking of Universality
G. Salam
Analytics for jet substructure
A. Salvio
Investigating the near-criticality of the Higgs boson
I. Scimemi
Non-perturbative QCD effects in q
spectra of Drell-Yan and Z-boson production
M. Spannowsky
A first attempt towards Event Deconstruction
M. Taoso
Wino-like Minimal Dark Matter and future colliders
LianTao Wang
Dark matter at colliders: simplified models
C. Williams
The off-shell Higgs boson at the LHC
Y. Yamamoto
Unitarity Bounds on Dark Matter Effective Interactions at LHC
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